dinsdag 4 december 2007

manchester pics

hmmmm, pretzels on the christmas market on albert square in Manchester

big big santa in front of the town hall
st. ann church
some jewel in the middle of town
they even got a manchester eye!
aren't we funny :p?!

printworks and odeon
urbis (oerbis? ürbis?) ...
a social place
with advertisement exhibitions: Wayne just showed up there!
and sara became a midget - or the marker became a giant marker
the stella's were present
and the playstation caught sara's attention (I think it had more to do with the comfy couch!)
sara and her drunk friends at the hacienda exhibition (let's not mention the bottle she's holding just contains water, but sparkling water it is!)
gracious sara

pure gold
cathedral again, and somewhere you can spot my white foot
cathedral again
autumn colours
and beautiful windows
and singing men!
and again, beautiful light, white ...
or red ...
or all together
manchester by night

debenhams allowed us to use this hat to prove that sara would win the prize of most beautiful hat on waregemse koerse! thank you for the cooperation
the Lowry museum
the Lowry again
and again
the imperial war museum, as you can see... a beautiful creation of Liebeskind

a very peculiar interior design

midget sara again! noooo, just kidding: huge building! the Manchester art gallery
a lot of peacock feathers (hope our little cardiff friends never visit this place)
old versus new
aren't we creative and smart (and not childish at all!)
check out our art work: a giraffe
that's more like it actually...
viking sara
inside st. ann's church
manchester by night
a big big lit santa
more manchester by night
christmas lightings!
ice skating...
without ...
either of us...
train ride home
no comment
spooky sara
wales as we know it: beautiful green landscapes with ... lots of ... SHEEP

1 opmerking:

pembrokeshire holidays zei

That was a bit funny though I really like your photos! It shows your adventure(that's what I want to call it).. I'll be spending my wales holidays. hope I will enjoy and make beautiful photos like yours.